Real alternative to teamviewer
Real alternative to teamviewer

real alternative to teamviewer

It's very cost effective.įor commercial remote access, Splashtop Business Access is only $60 per year.

real alternative to teamviewer

We are committed to deliver the best in class product, value, and support for our customers.įor non-commercial remote access, Splashtop Personal is only $16.99 per year. Love to understand what were the functional holes you experienced as we are constantly improving our product. Please provide salient details as to why Splashtop is preferred/great. Why Splashtop? A) I'd have to pay for it and B) I used it in an education environment and had the dubious privilege of finding all of their functional holes in an enterprise network environment while paying for it, so suffice to say that I am not impressed with that company. Those are tangential subjects for another day's discussion.

real alternative to teamviewer

Please don't try to convince me to buy an SUV when I asked for a compact car, or pick apart my request for a recommendation of a 4-cylinder sedan when you think I should be purchasing a full-sized diesel truck. However, if a vendor offers a free version for personal use (as many do.including TeamViewer), that is what I am interested in and I'm going to take advantage of it. I've been in this business long enough to understand that and my education has also included business strategy studies (plus applied practice). I appreciate the suggestions provided so far, as it allows me to do further research.įor the record, I am not interested in debating the merits of free vs. So any other tools that aren't corporate to remote into residential machines? Y'know what? They're not worth the hassle. I filled out their online form to affirm private use, but they denied me, claiming they "couldn't determine" but I could fill out ANOTHER form which they'd review. TeamViewer decided to block me for "detected commercial use" when I'm using the personal version to monitor my vacation home's computer.

Real alternative to teamviewer